The End Of The Day With Ray! Today's Topics 50 YEARS! Supply Chain Threats, & OEMs Going Bankrupt!

The End Of The Day With Ray! Today's Topics 50 YEARS! Supply Chain Threats, & OEMs Going Bankrupt!

by ray stasieczko March 07, 2024

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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Also in Interviews: Industry Players

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The End Of The Day With Ray! Talking With CDA President Gary Harouff - Vegas Meeting Coming Soon!

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Gary is the president of AIS, a managed service business headquarter in Vegas with offices also in California. He currently is serving as the CDA president which is the industry premier per-group! We discuss the upcoming meeting in Vegas, October 22-25th. I look forward to attending and presenting to this esteem group! Via Las Vegas!!!

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The End Of The Day With Ray! Talking With My Industry Friend From South Africa, Warren Mande
The End Of The Day With Ray! Talking With My Industry Friend From South Africa, Warren Mande

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The End Of The Day With Ray! Talking With Adam Gregory CEO ABS and Newly Appointed BTA President.
The End Of The Day With Ray! Talking With Adam Gregory CEO ABS and Newly Appointed BTA President.

by ray stasieczko July 17, 2024

Adam shares his BTA, vision under the motto Future Forward. The BTA is the oldest club (fraternity) in the industry. Navigate the BTA from this Future Forward platform will take bold leadership and I believe Adam is one of those leaders (NOT) afraid to BLOW S#!+ UP! Join me In congratulating and wishing him the best!

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