Happy New Year! WAIT! What about the year that just ended? The unrealistic optimists are so excited about the changing calendar.
It's great to cheer in the new year but keep sight of the past year's challenges and remember to update last year's optimism with the realities of the outcomes.
I get it! Optimism is necessary. However, unrealistic optimism can quickly overtake one's realities regarding preparation, management, and accountability for the journey forward.
When looking towards the future, never fall into the trap of unbridled optimism. Unbridled optimism will perpetuate fantasy and unaccountability.
"Unaccountability is the deathtrap to accomplishment."
As you navigate through the new year, remember, along the journey, you will see an oasis of unrealistic optimism ahead.
So, those on any journey must check-in with reality along the way. Otherwise, the journey might end in the middle of the desert, far short of the unreached oasis.
No goal comes true without deconstructing the obstacles before the goal's achievement. It is only through the pain in deconstructing these obstacles which brings victory to the goal.
In this deconstruction process, only those who navigate through an optimism based on reality will have the discipline to guide the wrecking ball toward these obstacles.
In all needed modifications, avoiding the unrealistic, unchallenging, unaccountable, and unknowing is critical.
Don't procrastinate improvement by hiding behind unrealistic optimism while foolishly hoping everything works out!
"Hope without details is a goal defined by an unrealistic optimist!"
In closing: Remember, "when facing most reality, you will be staring at the signs leading to change."
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ray stasieczko