My Argument To Terminate Lexmark & All Ninestar!

My Argument To Terminate Lexmark & All Ninestar!

by ray stasieczko October 07, 2023

The Print Industry Must Stand For Freedom! It is Time To Fire Lexmark  Along With All of Ninestar Corporation Subsidiaries!

The Slaves Working For The Chinese Communist Party Can't Escape! So, decent people within the free world must terminate all relationships with any DHS Banned People's Republic of China (PRC) Company and all the banned PRC subsidiaries, regardless of the industry or the relationships within these PRC companies. There must be zero tolerance!  

For nearly five months since June 9th, the day the U.S. Department of Homeland Security banned Lexmark's owners, a PRC entity called Ninestar, along with eight of its Zhuhai-based subsidiaries over slave labor, the (UFLPA) Uyghurs Forced Labor Prevention Act. 

I have been highly outspoken as I highlighted what I believe are Lexmark's lies, deceit, and distractions in attempts to shift attention from their PRC ownership and the DHS ban over slave labor.

I believe that when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) banned Lexmark's owners, Ninestar, and eight subsidiaries. Lexmark went into overdrive with its deceit and distraction attempts to hide its PRC ownership and its true manufacturing relationship with its PRC owner, Ninestar. 

I also believe that Lexmark is betting, as its communist PRC overseer, Ninestar, that the complacency of the free world will remain intact. At least long enough for the PRC Ninestar to reorganize, or maybe simply change their name to Tenstar, and set out to fool those wishing to continue looking the other way.

My outrage regarding Lexmark is very simple. Lexmark is the head of the snake regarding Ninestar. Let me explain.

Lexmark represents the vast majority, nearly 80% of Ninestar's total revenues. It is utterly naïve for anyone to believe that Lexmark Ninestar's largest subsidiary is not tainted in some way through its owners' use of slave labor.

My industry friends, now is the time to shut down Ninestar, and that means we must eliminate all relationships with all of Ninestar's subsidiaries, especially Lexmark, its largest. 

The elimination must be at all levels of the industry's supply chain—dealers and those OEMs who rebrand Lexmark equipment. 

The industry's excuses for procrastinating the expulsion of Lexmark, Static Control, and the rest of the Ninestar portfolio of subsidiaries can no longer be accepted. 

The industry's pride and decency must win against the manipulation of good people by the Chinese Communist Party and the PRC companies they control. 

The dealers selling Lexmark, Static Control products or marketing any Ninestar Subsidiary; I plead with you to end those relationships now!

For dealers struggling with terminating their Ninestar Relationships, I ask you to consider this.

Are you willing to go to those end-users to whom you sell Ninestar products and explain how Lexmark or Static Control owners, Ninestar, a PRC, was banned over UFLPA- slave labor by DHS?

Don’t you think end-users have the right to know what the owners of the companies they do business with are accused of doing unethically?

How many dealers are so confident that Lexmark, Ninestar's largest subsidiary, or Static Control, or any other Ninestar subsidiary is untainted by the outrageousness of their PRC owners? 

How many dealers are comfortable with the fact that Lexmark was extremely deceitful in hiding the response on their website to the DHS banning of their PRC owners, Ninestar, along with eight subsidiaries over the (UFLPA) Uyghur Forced Labor Act? Slave Labor! 

So, deceitfully, they titled the response as a supply chain issue and never mentioned the term Slave Labor. I define that action as a complete distortion of truth. As I am sure most logical people would agree.

How many Lexmark dealers or those selling any of Ninestar's portfolio of products are comfortable defending PRC companies banned by DHS over slave labor? 

It seems logical that every dollar spent on any Ninestar product financially supports the banned PRC Ninestar. 

Are Lexmark dealers and the end-users they sell Ninestar products to funding the ridiculous suit Ninestar filed against the U.S. government over the ban? BTW, The U.S. Government has submitted an order to dismiss that case. Also, please keep in mind that the structure of the UFLPA is based on rebuttable presumption. 

Would it not be accurate to say that the money the free world spends with Lexmark is helping the Chinese Communist Party defend and distract the free world from its deplorable actions in allowing PRC entities to use Slave Labor?

How many dealers are willing to speak at city council, school board meetings, or stand in front of their church board and educate the buyers on how buying from Lexmark or Static Control is not benefiting their owners, a PRC company banned from the U.S. supply chain over (UFLPA) slave labor? Could any dealer be comfortable in making that argument? 

I would argue not one dealer within the free world selling Lexmark, Static Control, or any Ninestar product who would walk into a customer and explain how the parent company of these subsidiaries, Ninestar, a PRC company, was banned by DHS over the UFLPA.  

My friends, if you are not confident to defend Lexmark or any Ninestar subsidiary. Then, you must eliminate all Ninestar products from your offerings. PERIOD!  Remember, the end-users you sell and support trust you to make ethical decisions. Which means the benefit of doubt does not side with evils, or unethical immoral behavior.

I also believe the industry’s end-users would never enter into any relationship tainted with the sweat from slave labor or worse stained in the blood of tortured labor.

It is pretty safe to also assume end-users would not be looking for loopholes as to how Lexmark the largest Ninestar Corporation subsidiary or any one of the Ninestar subsidiaries is not tainted by the actions of its owners.

Since June 9th, when DHS banned Ninestar, Lexmark has attempted to hide in silence; their CEO is missing in action, and their so-called American board of directors has said nothing. 

Lexmark has bet on the unwillingness of its dealers to question their distractions and deceit. Lexmark seems comfortable believing that the industry's dealers are more than willing to continue looking the other way in order to remain comfortable.

Now, My OEM friends, your procrastination must also end. Ninestar would be significantly impacted if all OEMs severed their relationships with Lexmark and all other Ninestar subsidiaries. The industry must shut off the revenue to Ninestar! 

This article will be extremely painful for all our industry friends who work for Ninestar and all their subsidiaries within the free world. However, our friends within the free world are free to leave any PRC company, which was banned from the U.S. supply chain over slave labor.

Unfortunately, the enslaved people that the Chinese Communist Party allow PRC companies to use in their manufacturing processes are not free and have no rights to their future. 

So, the free world must do its part and eliminate all DHS-banned PRC companies and all their subsidiaries named in the ban or not. The time is NOW!

In Closing, I leave you with these two thoughts.

Looking the other way does not eliminate one's complicity, and never trust a company that is deceitful when its realities are being questioned. 

Status quo is the killer of all that will be invented.

Ray Stasieczko Host of The End Of The Day With Ray  

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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