The End Of The Day With Ray! 15 Billion buys complacency

The End Of The Day With Ray! 15 Billion buys complacency

by ray stasieczko March 03, 2020

ray stasieczko
ray stasieczko


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Also in Ray's thoughts on Xerox/HP

The End Of The Day With Ray! My Wrap-Up on Xerox/HP for Now
The End Of The Day With Ray! My Wrap-Up on Xerox/HP for Now

by ray stasieczko April 03, 2020

Thoughts on Xerox saying forget it HP For Now

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The End of The Day With Ray! It depends on the question
The End of The Day With Ray! It depends on the question

by ray stasieczko March 07, 2020

Xerox HP still a possibility. For those who can imagine.

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Scared Opponents May Attempt To Cancel The Game.

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