Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

by ray stasieczko May 03, 2020 1 Comment

We have all watched our share of post-apocalypse movies. However, not too many saw themselves being chased by Zombies.

The battle for the customer will be fought viscously by what I describe as "Zombie Companies." "A Zombie Company" is one in which its leaders continue attempting to deliver goods and services through DEAD concepts. In other words, organizations who fight against today's new market realities in hopes of lengthening the tenure of yesterday's relevance.  

This pandemic was an Evolutionary Event for many industries and their customers. So, how affected industries navigate through the changing landscape will determine if their per-virus customers will join them on the post-virus journey.

As we saw in the Walking Dead, there will be those who herd around a dead complacency, and those who will fight for a relevant future. 

Those industries which are presented a new normal must avoid at all cost bringing back to life what was defeated through the pandemic. The SMB customers have moved ahead in their digitalization processes by years.

This digital transformation will cause things to fade and bring birth to innovative solutions. Technology end-users will evaluate all technology spend and re-appropriate budgets to align with the new realities.

During the period of those things fading, it will take bold leaders to pivot their organizations in-order to intersect with their customers as to journey together on the new road towards the future. Keep in mind that innovation is about process improvements. Organizations that truly understand the outcome their customers are buying are better positioned in adjusting to a relevant process, or means to that outcome.

Remember, customers don't buy relationships; they purchase desired outcomes. This misunderstanding will cause many organizations to lose their great relationship to those innovators who deliver the customer's desired outcome through a better experience.

All organizations from all industries must re-evaluate their past relevance, relationships, and customer experiences. How past great relationship feed customer experiences pre-virus may very well be challenged post-virus. The best time for weeding out complacency is now. Those industries and their customers who are affected by new normals must defeat the Zombie Companies and Zombie Leaders. 

So, as you look at your industry and your customers, be open-minded to the needed modifications. Don't cause your end-users to invest unwisely with you. Those who do will not be forgiven as end-users continue gaining awareness.

"Products and services will, in fact, become obsolete or less desirable. However, people themselves have to choose to become obsolete."  

Regardless of your industry, as you emerge, the great lockdown focus on the desired outcome your industry or organizations end-users receive. Then with imagination based on new realities, re-align your processes and deliver your customers the most incredible experience ever.    

For my friends in the Imaging Channel who sell and service print equipment and its services, you must decide whether to become a zombie or a fighter for a future relevance. 

When I started the A4Revolution, it was a battle for the end-users a campaign based on data and my vision of what could be based on what should be. The industry must now admit that not only are customers becoming aware of their over-sold situation. So, are the new competitors who intend to challenge many of your great relationships with a better experience. 

Post-Pandemic, there are no more acceptable excuses for any Printer Manufacturer or the Dealers who represent them to maintain any past stubbornness to continue doing what goes against the channel's end-user's market realities. 

For myself, I intend to whip Zombies off the map. Who wants to join the Zombie hut, I call, The A4Revolution.  

"Status Quo is the Killer of all that will be invented."   

Ray Stasieczko  

CEO/Founder TEASRA,The Innovation Channel and Host of The End of The Day With Ray!

I welcome everyone to subscribe to my YouTube Channel

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